Have you heard of the sandwich generation?
The sandwich generation refers to people who are caring for both their own children, as well as their aging parents.
Though this situation is not uncommon, it is a very stressful position for someone to try to manage all alone. Caring for children is difficult enough, without the added stress of attending to elderly parents who are often sick or need extra attention. The sandwich generation needs a support network in place to ensure that they take care of themselves, have time to recharge, and not become overly stressed.
House cleaning is a vital piece of this support network, as this is one of the most time-consuming and important chores on the list. When the home is clean, organized and in good shape, then everything seems in good shape. However, for adults in the sandwich generation, cleaning the home can often be pushed to a lower priority when getting the kids to school on time, doing the grocery shopping, taking parents to doctor’s appointments, and maintaining a career seem more important. Having a trusted maid service in Evanston take over this duty not only frees up time for the member of the sandwich generation, but it also helps guarantee a cleaner, healthier environment for everyone. An organized home is an organized life, and a clean home is a healthy home!
The bottom line is that employing a reliable house cleaning service to aid “sandwiched” adults is well worth it. It saves a tremendous amount of time, so that they can devote themselves to other important aspects of their life like their careers, their children, and caring for their elderly parents. Time is money, and their time is so much more valuable than what they might pay for a home cleaning service.
Most importantly, by having a cleaning service, “sandwiched” individuals are ensuring that their children and their parents are living in a clean and healthy home. Hiring a an Evanston house cleaning service can be truly life altering for the “sandwiched” generation of adults, as it relieves them of the stressful burden of trying to manage too many important things at once.
They may even receive the admiration of their friends for all of their thoughtfulness in helping their aging parents alongside raising their kids!
Fresh Tech Maid, a house cleaning service in Evanston, has helped many “sandwiched” adults with house cleaning needs and is one of the most awarded house cleaning services in downtown Chicago.