Despite the diligent efforts of parents, it can be difficult to control and remove the viruses and germs that are infectious to kids. Germs and viruses are not just found in visible dirt, they can be found hiding anywhere our hands have touched after being contaminated. Worse yet: the flu virus can survive on a hard surface for up to 48 hours. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the best way on how to sanitize for child illness. Fresh Tech Maid is here to provide you with some key tips!

Fresh Tech Maid, a Chicago maid service, understands the importance of doing all we can to eliminate germs from kids’ high-touch points. See below for our checklist on how to sanitize for child illness. This will prevent your child from getting sick when pesky germs are brought in from stores, school, work and any anywhere else they may be lurking. As parents and kids are so interdependent in a home, the check list is not just directly related to kids, but also adults.

Sanitizing Key Touch Points


Proper hand washing for everyone in the home. It is not about the soap, but the way how to wash your hand.  Lather your hand with soap for at least 10 seconds (or sing “Happy Birthday” two times!) Proper hand washing for everyone in the home. It is not about the soap, but the way how to wash your hand. Lather your hand with soap for at least 10 seconds (or sing “Happy Birthday” two times!).


Refresh and “clean” the indoor air for oxygen rich healthy breathing! Bundle up, turn off the heat for a while, and open windows (at least one window in each side of the room, if any) for at least 5 to 10 min.


Sterilize sponges, the biggest spreader of germs in a home.


Dishes, the hottest germ carriers, deserve to be treated with the hottest sanitize cycle from the dishwasher.


Clean up the most commonly infected areas: handles, switches, and knobs, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.


Clean up toys, pay special attention to chewing toys.


Sanitize high chair trays.


Thoroughly and safely clean commonly used electronics such as remotes and stereo buttons.


Cell phones, tablets, and iPads: the most frequently touched areas must be cleaned most frequently!


Laptops and keyboards – remove the hidden germs and viruses.


Thermometer and home security panels.

General cleaners are what most people (and cleaning technicians) used the most. They work on many different surfaces and are designed to multi task and clean more than one single surface at a time. For example, you can spray a general cleaner on both the baseboards of your cabinets and on the cabinet doors, and on the window sills and frames. They help you save time and money, as one all purpose cleaner does many different things and is easy to apply. You do not have to keep reaching for a different cleaner for each item or part of the house that needs to be cleaned.

A specialty cleaner is quite different. These are designed to clean special areas at a time. You have separate toilet cleaning solutions and tools, as well as a different one for the bathtub and shower walls. Obviously you would not want the tools that cleaned your toilet to be used on your bathtub, as that can spread harmful germs around. Also, based on the type of germs on each and the method in which both need to be cleaned, you need different tools and solutions. A better example of this is over cleaner. It is built to work only on your oven. It fits the description of “specialty cleaner” to a tee.

This list can truly help in maintaining a germ-free, healthy place for your family, including the child.  Most of these can simply be implemented using items already in your home and putting a bit of thought into where germs may thrive. By sanitizing your home base, your family will be in a great position to prevent kids from getting sick. We hope this has helped answer the question of how to sanitize for child illness!